
Saturday, 22 September 2012

Harvest Festival @ Centennial Park, Olds

What an awesome day for an outdoor show!

I'm really enjoying meeting good friends form the Olds Art Club again and having a show with them. When I do this kind of shows I am so inspired by what others can do and re-motivated to continue painting. There are still many views, perspectives, themes, colours, seasons, occasions and moments of life to be captured by the brush or palette knife.

Here are some of the pics of our little, yet loaded display of amazing works.

If you are around Olds right now, come over and say hi to us, we'd love to see your happy face. The show finishes at 3:00 pm at Centennial Park!

Enjoy the Fall season!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

New possibilities!

I love a new canvas! When seeing a white canvas I could choose to get the "White canvas syndrome" or  see possibilities, so I choose the latter. Seeing a white canvas makes me remember some of the views that have captured me, you know?, those that make you interrupt the conversation you are having to say "Wow, look at that!"
"Fullness" came out of one of those sightings, I was getting ready to leave the church parking lot and there it was, at the beginning of Fall of last year, a simple yet beautiful bush (of which I don't know the name :( - thanks unknown muse... That simple bush, full of colour because of the season, and its contrast against the sky were so appealing that made me think of what a life full of colour, texture, movement should be like: inspiring though simple.

Adding some volume to the branches brought another dimension to the piece which helped me to understand  its movement and rhythm.

The photo does not do justice to this piece (I guess I need to find a friend who does this kind of job :)  So you can still see it at Health Street in Olds, where it was shown as part of the 2012 ArtWalk hosted by Wellspring Visual ArtNetwork Association. It's still there to find a new home and to make the visitors experience some fullness (of some kinds anyways :) It is also submitted in the Artist of the Year competition of Art Trends (Where you can vote for this piece or "As I stand...", look up my name :) and Thanks in advance!

If you go to Health Street to see this piece and others that are still there let me know! Till later...
P.S. Did I mention that today's ( well, yesterday's) class was awesome! Who would have thought lines were so expressive! Love it!